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roleModel of the Week: Jana Webb


Jana Webb: Mother, Creator of JOGA, Under Armour Athlete, Star of Real Housewives of Toronto (RHOT), Ted Talks Speaker, and so much more...

You are such a beautiful & inspiring woman; tell us about your journey to becoming the creator of JOGA and being Joga Jana?

It’s a long story, but the short version is I was in a car accident and yoga was required as part of my rehab. I enjoyed yoga but the more I practiced I realized my body was not built like a yogi and as an athlete there were certain positions and movements I just could not do. I loved being on my mat and the fact that there was no competition. I traveled to Japan to study ISHTA Yoga and breath-work. ISHTA blends ancient eastern philosophy and contemporary sciences of Hatha, Tantra, and Ayurveda. I decided to bring this individualized science back to Canada. Shortly after my return, I was approached by the Canadian Football Team to create a program that offered yoga for athletes. So, JOGA was born, designed for athletes and athletic movements. The focus of JOGA is to educate participants about the mechanics of the body, how to move within the body’s limitations, and overall awareness of body intelligence.

Instagram: jogajana

Hometown: Bentley Alberta, Canada

Have you always led a healthy and active lifestyle? If not, what made you change. Was there a defining moment?

I come from an athletic family. My sister is holistic nutritionist. Exercise and sports were a part of my life growing up. There was a moment that I did gain weight and I let myself go. I actually had to join a weight loss program to lose the 30 pounds. But it just proves that we an all fall off track but we have the power to pick ourselves right back up and make positive changes.

How do you balance being a Business Woman and being a Mom?

I set my priorities and boundaries. My number one priority is my son, then house (personal) then business. I have created a philosophy around these boundaries. Every decision I make around myself or pertaining to my business revolves around my son. My son always comes first. Recently I had a major accident and broke my back and had trauma to my brain so I have had to be selfish and think of myself and allow myself time to heal.

What is your work out routine?

Usually I work out 45 min a day. I practice JOGA, but also mix it up and enjoy walking and spin class.

What motivates you?

Global change motivates me… how an individual can build a team, how a team can become an organization, and an organization can become a movement.

Who are your role models/ women who inspire you?

Madonna reinvented herself so many times and takes care of herself. I have great respect for women who take care of themselves and continue to evolve.

Do you have any upcoming projects you are working on that you would like to tell us about?

The Real Housewives of Toronto Show (RHOT) launched, JOGA world, AND JOGA Coach Academy, as well as our JOGA house, which is our first flagship store!

What are your favorite foods to eat?

I Love steak, red meat, totally a steak girl as well as Red wine!

Running a business and being a Mom… we know every day is different, describe your favorite day...?

My favorite days when I get to take my son with me on a trip that also involves some work. I like that he gets to see his Mom in action. Children change the work environment and make it so much more fun. He enjoys being my personal assistant. We watch Shark Tank together and he is my partner in crime.

As a Business Woman, Mom, and a Mentor, what advice do you have for young women just starting out on a new endeavor?

The best piece of advice I can give is surround yourself with people that you respect and admire on all platforms.

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